When you use a bank card to pay for a purchase in a store, the payment is made using a system called Electronic Fund Transfer at Point-of-Sale (EFTPOS).
This is how it works…
The EFT in EFTPOS is the same Electronic Fund Transfer system discussed here.
Customer gives the bank card to the cashier
The cashier runs the card through a card reader (the customer may have to enter a PIN). The cashier enters the value of the purchase
The store’s system then connects to the bank computer and sends a message
The bank computer uses the account number to access the customer’s record and checks the balance
The bank computer sends back a confirmation or rejection message to the store’s system
The cashier now confirms the purchase and an EFT message is sent to the bank
The bank computer subtracts $100 from the customer’s account and adds $100 to the store’s account
The cashier gives the card back to the customer along with a receipt
What is an Expert System?
An expert system is computer software that attempts to act like a human expert on a particular subject area.
They are often used to advise non-experts in situations where a human expert in unavailable.
How Do Expert Systems Work?
An expert system is made up of three parts:- A user interface - This is the system that allows a non-expert user to query (question) the expert system, and to receive advice. The user-interface is designed to be a simple to use as possible.
- A knowledge base - This is a collection of facts and rules. The knowledge base is created from information provided by human experts
- An inference engine - This acts rather like a search engine, examining the knowledge base for information that matches the user's query
Where are they used?
- Medical diagnosis
- Chess Game
- Diagnose with fault cars
- Searching for mineral and oils reserves
- etc...
- Fewer mistakes
- More knowledge than a single expert
- More consistent answers
- No common sense
- No judgement
- Error in the rule base may lead to incorrect decision
- Requires a lot of training before users can use the software.
5 steps to make an expert system.
I . Interview
K . Knowledge base
I . Interference
U . User Interface
T . Testing
Practical: Presentation Software
What is a Presentation Software?
A presentation software is just a type of software that is used to create presentation for many different purposes, mainly uses for presenting something to large audiences. The general functions of the presentation software are to put the text, images, graphics, videos, sounds and simple animations together in the slides. In addition, there are also variety of designs for each slide. Microsoft Office PowerPoint and Prezi are some examples of the presentation software.
A presentation software is just a type of software that is used to create presentation for many different purposes, mainly uses for presenting something to large audiences. The general functions of the presentation software are to put the text, images, graphics, videos, sounds and simple animations together in the slides. In addition, there are also variety of designs for each slide. Microsoft Office PowerPoint and Prezi are some examples of the presentation software.
How does a Presentation Software look like?
The diagram below shows the general layout of the presentation software:
Before we do anything.. Just make sure You know the BASICS stuff...
Presentation Terminology (key terms)
Here are some main features within a presentation software:
Slide = each page within a presentation that will entirely
fill the screen when we set it to slide show.
Animation = the effects, which are mainly movements and
colours, that can be applied to any object such as text or images within a
![]() |
Animations |
Slide Master = a slide that act as a template for each slide within a presentation which mean that everything on the slide master will be appear on every slide. To go back to the normal slide view you can just click on the Close Master View button. The Slide Master is located in the View tab. **Slide Master is similar to CSS, (look in website Authoring)
![]() |
Slide Master |
Transition = the effects that can be applied to the slides
in order to change from one slide to another.
![]() |
Transitions |
Design Themes = the designs of backgrounds, layouts and
colours for each slides.
![]() |
Design Themes |
Outline View = displays just only the text within each slide and those text can also be imported and exported to word processing software.
![]() |
Outline View |
Slide Sorter = It displays the order and how every slides
within a presentation look like. You can also use the slide sorter to arrange
which slides goes in which order. To return to the normal slide view, you can
just click on the Slide Sorter button again. The Slide Sorter is also located
in the View tab.***As if you ZOOM OUT to look at all your work :)
![]() |
Slide Sorter |
Slide Layout = the layouts for the contents (such as text, images, videos, etc) within the slides.
![]() |
Slide Layout |
IF you are okay with most of them, you are ready to move on...
A house style is just a set of rules to ensure that every slide within a presentation have the same formats such as the fonts, the colours, the style of images or graphics, etc. A house style can be created by using the Slide Master.
In order to format the text within a slide, you can just highlight the text and the format options will appear automatically after the text have been highlighted.
Let's Start with the basics, Shall we?
How to add & format the text within a
You could use the Text Box tool that is located in the Insert tab to draw a text box which we can type or insert the text directly into it.
You could use the Text Box tool that is located in the Insert tab to draw a text box which we can type or insert the text directly into it.
Text box icon
In order to format the text within a slide, you can just highlight the text and the format options will appear automatically after the text have been highlighted.
Another Basics move...
How add some graphics into the slides?
There are 3 common ways of adding graphics into the slide
within a presentation which are by using the WordArt, the ClipArt and the
Shapes (can also be called Autoshapes). These 3 options are all located in the
Insert tab. Let's see what are they and how they works!
WordArt is a set of formats that contain various designs for
the text within a slide.
How to:
You can directly edit the text just by double clicks
or highlight the text, then you can just type in or insert the new text into
the text box instead.
Instead of using the internet to find the images for your
presentation, you can just use the ClipArt option.
How to:
When you click on the
ClipArt icon then the ClipArt tab will appear on the right of the computer
screen. After that if you type in the things that you wanted to search for into
"Search for:" tab then the images of the things that you typed in
will appear which helps you to save your times rather than going onto the
internet. In order to put the clip art images into the slide, you can just
click on the picture that you want and it will automatically appear on the
slide. However, the main disadvantage for using the clip art is it doesn't have
a wide range of images like the internet.
The Shapes (or Autoshapes) is an option that contain many
different types of shapes and lines in which you can format them.
How to:
right-click on the shape and select the Format Shape option. Once you click on
the shape that you wanted, you can just draw them onto the slide. These shapes
can be re-sized by using the re-sizing handles that appear after you click on
the shape.
![]() |
Moving on..
As you have known that during this week is the exam week; and there's alot to do for theory....
Don't leave your theory studies until the last minute. The
theory test is big.... there will be alot of preperation needed if you are to
be successful.
to help and guide you...follow/ open these blogs. It's your guiding light.
Good luck!!!
Holographic Effect Tutorial
In this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to create a holograph effect straight out of a science fiction movie.
For the background we will use a very cool stock photo courtesy of Tebh-stock, that can be downloaded here.
First of all we want to brighten the image a little, so with the photo open in Photoshop, go to Image > Adjustments > Curves.
In the dialog box, click on the white colour picker button then tap on the area that you want to become the whitest point in the image.
Click OK.
Now go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, and set the Radius to 6 pixels.
Click OK.
Finally, click on the adjustment layer button at the bottom of the layers panel, and choose Photo Filter.
Set the Color to #001eff with the Density at 25%, then set the layer’s blending mode to Lighten.
Use the Quick Selection Tool to draw a selection over the model, then use the Refine Edge sliders to tidy up the selection.
More info on making selections can be found here.
Copy and paste the selection into your background, resize, and position it as I have below.
(For some of the following photo will be from the first time I tried.)
Duplicate the model layer twice, so you have three layers. Call the bottom one ‘glow’, the middle one ‘blur’, and the top layer ‘hologram’.
You can hide the top two layers for now, and double click on the glow layer to bring up the Layer Styles dialog box.
In the Blending Options take the Fill Opacity down to 0%.
Next click on Outer Glow, set the Opacity to 30%, the color to #001eff, and the size to 50%.
Click on Outer Glow and set the Opacity to 30%, the color to #001eff, and the size to 250%.
Click OK.
then you will ended up with....
Now unhide the blur layer, and give it a Gaussian Blur set to 10 pixels.
Set the blur layer’s blending mode to Soft Light.
then you will ended up with....
Next we’ll create a pattern to use for the hologram texture.
Open a new 1px x 10px document, and use the Rectanglar Marquee Tool to make a selection over the top half of the image.
Create a new layer, go to Edit > Fill, and fill it with black.
Delete the bottom Background layer, then go to Edit > Define Pattern, and give your pattern a name.
Now back in your project, set the hologram layer’s blending mode to Color Burn, and set the Opacity to 30%.
Give the hologram layer a layer mask, and with the layer mask thumbnail selected, go to Edit > Fill…
Choose your new pattern from the Contents list, then click OK to apply the pattern to the layer mask.
then you will ended up with....
Duplicate the hologram layer, and set the duplicate’s blending mode to Overlay at 100% Opacity.
Finally click on it’s layer mask thumbnail and go to Image > Adjustments > Invert.
then you will ended up with....
Ta-dahh!!! Here you go !!
Program for website authoring
There are many types of programs that we can use to author websites, such as ;
- Text editor
This is what a text editor looks like-Notepad in Windows 8 |
Its disadvantage is that you have to know you coding. When typing casual or formal documents, there is no control over font size and family changing within portions of the document; all font sizes and families must be the same. This can make professional documents less appealing, or look cheesy. When programming, syntax is not highlighted, making debugging or editing a more difficult task.. Moreover You aren't able to see the website's appearance while adding code. In addition, you won't know whether you have misspelled the code, or even forgot to close the tag.
Its advantage is that, it does not take a lot of the storage’s space. It is simple to use,just type out the codes. In addition it does come with the operating system, hence there’s no need to buy it.
People that are experts at writing Html code (Not codes), since the text editor doesn’t give you the code. Thus the person must not be careless since if they mess the code up, it is hard to re-do it again.
- Online Website editor
- GUI editor
- Online sharable website editor
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