Web Design- Writing Html

What is Html?

Hypertext Markup Language (html), a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.

How do we write a HTML??

To write a HTML we use a program called text editor software. The text editor software is a program that is use for typing texts. There are many different types of text editor software but the most simple ones to use are Microsoft Office Word, Wordpad and Notepad.

Facts about html

  • HTML is a markup language
  • A markup language is a set of markup tags
  • Tags are also called "Element"
  • The tags describe document content
  • HTML documents contain HTML tags and plain text
  • HTML documents are also called web pages

History of html

HTML has had a life-span of roughly seven years. During that time, it has evolved from a simple language with a small number of tags to a complex system of mark-up, enabling authors to create all-singing-and-dancing Web pages complete with animated images, sound and all manner of gimmicks.
All these things started when a man name Tim Berners-Lee , invented the web browser and html.Tim Berners-Lee was the primary author of html, assisted by his colleagues at CERN, an international scientific organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. Tim Berners-Lee is currently the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, the group that sets technical standards for the Web.
Tim Berners-Lee's Browser Editor as developed in 1991-92. This was a true browser editor for the first version of HTML and ran on a NeXt workstation. Implemented in Objective-C, it, made it easy to create, view and edit web documents. Hypertext Markup Language (First Version of HTML) was formally published on June 1993. Click here to see the screenshot

Web browser

Html uses special elements which are only understood by a special program called a web browser. There are many web browsers available, however the most popular ones are
  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer

Click on the pictures to find out more infomation

Internet Explorer

What are tags?

HTML tags (otherwise known as "HTML elements"), and their respective attributes are used to create HTML documents so that you can view them in browsers and other user agents. Note that not all browsers/user agents support all HTML tags and their attributes, so you should try to test your pages in as many browsers as you can.

  • HTML tags are keywords (tag names) surrounded by angle brackets like
  • HTML tags normally come in pairs like and
  • The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag
  • The tags describe document content
  • The end tag is written like the start tag, with a forward slash before the tag name
  • Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags

Some useful links for Html:

HTML Basic Document


Hello there! So you've already learn about HTML right? If not you might want to visit the links up there, about html because in this topic you are needed to know about them first.

What is CSS?

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a simple mechanism for adding style (e.g., fonts, colors, spacing) to Web documents.

Some facts about them

  • Styles define how to display HTML elements
  • External Style Sheets can save a lot of work
  • External Style Sheets are stored in CSS files

Style sheets in the past

As HTML became popular , it covered various styles to fulfill the demands of the web developers. As a result of which , style sheets became less significant and the style attributes of external language was not acceptable until a complete development of CSS.

What makes style sheets significant?

CSS contains style rules which informs a browser how to represent a document. There are several ways to link these rules of style to HTML documents , but the easiest method for beginning is to use the STYLE element of HTML. It is basically placed into the HEAD tag and it encloses the style rules of that page.

CSS Demo

An HTML document can be displayed with different styles:See how it works


Here are some extra information for people who wants to know more about this topic. It is about Div Tag . However There is no div tag in IGCSE course (if you are using my blog for studying igcse ICT) but you can learn about it anyway.

Div tag

The div is a generic block-level element. It doesn’t convey any meaning about its contents (unlike a p element that signifies a paragraph, or an h1 or h2 element that would indicate a level 1 or level 2 heading, respectively); as such, it’s easy to customize it to your needs. The div element is currently the most common method for identifying the structural sections of a document and for laying out a web page using CSS. Some developers perceive similarities between the p and the div elements, seeing them as being interchangeable, but this isn’t the case. The p element offers more semantic information (“this is a paragraph of text, a small collection of thoughts that are grouped together; the next paragraph outlines some different thoughts”), while the div element can be used to group almost any elements together. Indeed, it can contain almost any other element, unlike p, which can only contain inline elements.

Program for website authoring THIS PAGE IS WRITTEN BY HTML

There are many types of programs that we can use to author websites, such as ;
Text editor A text editor is a computer program that lets a user enter, change, store, and usually print text (characters and numbers, each encoded by the computer). Typically, a text editor provides an "empty" display screen (sometimes called "scrollable page") . You can then fill the lines in with text, line by line. After saving a document, you can then print it or display it. Text editors can be used to enter program language source statements or to create documents such as technical manuals.
Its disadvantage is that you have to know you coding and editors for your specific language can be of more use due to some components that you can just drag and drop and then just assign them with a action. Moreover You aren't able to see the website's appearance while adding code. In addition, you won't know whether you have misspelled the code, or even forgot to close the tag. Its advantage is that, it does not take a lot of the storage’s space. Simple to use,just type out the codes. In addition it does come with the operating system, hence there’s no need to buy it.
People that are experts at writing Html codes, since text editor doesn’t give you the codes. Thus the person must not be careless since if they mess the codes up, it is hard to re-do it again.
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