In this unit. We will teach you how to make your data useful. Currently, the data we've just collect is just a "raw data". It still in the form of long strings of letters, Numbers and Symbols which is quite useless because we can't actually find the correct info and some can be missing.

Useful database needs to have some structure and meaning attached to it to make it simpler, prevent mistakes, no errors and accurate.
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Database Components

"Files" or "table" - The whole set of database
"Record" - A data collection in which one specific type.
"Fields" - Labels of the heading/Column (Name of the column)

Database Types

There are 2 types of database: Flat Files and Rational Database.

Flat files Database - only a tables or files in whole database.A flat file database is a database designed around a single table. The flat file design puts all database information in one table, or list, with fields to represent all parameters. A flat file may contain many fields, often, with duplicate data that are prone to data corruption.
Flat files' Advantages:
- Simple and easy to make.

Flat files' Disadvantages:
- More space requires
- Errors can be occur easier (By human mistakes when type in data)

- Takes more times to edit database.

Rational Database - Advanced Database. Will have 2 or more files/tables which linked together. Mostly used by computer experts. A relational database, on the other hand, incorporates multiple tables with methods for the tables to work together. The relationships between table data can be collated, merged and displayed in database forms.
Most relational databases offer functionality to share data:
Across networks
Over the Internet
With laptops and other electronic devices, such as palm pilots
With other software systems

Rational Database's Advantages:
- Faster and controllable
- Less or none error occur
- Take less space (Also causes database processes faster)

Rational Database's Disadvantages:
- Much more complicates
- High ICT knowledge needed
- Error can be occurs badly if not an expert or supervised.
Here are some examples from the class work Diagram:

This is how two or more tables linked together by a foreign key

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Data Types
Identifying the data type in Access
A closer look...

Data types are types of each data such as text, numbers, date etc. The useful point for this is to narrow the chances for us to make mistakes. There are severals of them.

- Text : Only accept Alphabet, Numbers and Special characters

- Number : Only accept numbers,Can be seperated in to intergers and Real numbers
-----------------Integers are made up of whole numbers (numbers without decimals).
---------------- Integers can be both positive and negative values.
----------------------- Real numbers are those that include decimals.
-----------------------Real numbers can be both positive (above zero) and negative (below zero).
- Date/Time : Only accept time and date
----------------Date and Time data can be shown in many different ways. The most common ways are shown in the table below:

- Hyperlink : Only accept the "link" we've browse
- Boolean : Only accept "Yes" or "No"
- Drop down lists : use for creating drop down list (similar to VLOOKUP in excel)
Type Of data in Access

Review & revise
Why data is important: It's important that the database knows what type of data it's using, for two main reasons.
1. data such as number are stored differently to text.
2. As a result of being stored differently, this determines what operations can be carried out.

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Using the database

You have now reached the stage where you have a complete record structure for a flat file database. The structure includes: Field name, and field types.


Now to put it into use, you will have to learn how to sort it first !
To Sort a data is simple to rearrange it, in other words to out the records in a different order. We often put them in alphabetical order of filename. In database you can rearrange them and displayed them in orders, though; 
  • by date created
  • by size
  • by type


when you  search , you expected to see only a selection of records from the original list. This is called subsets. For example you might have numerous number of records of your client's data, you might want to displayed the ones that are under the age of 16. When you issued the search command, the list reduced - you will see the ones that are under the age of 16.
As for database, the "search" part is to located records that fit your search criteria. In database terminology this involves creating a Filter.

Criteria and Operators

The conditions used to define a sort or a search are called  Criteria.  When sorting records , the data is rearranged according to our criteria. When searching, criteria concerns the ACTUAL content of the fields-One criterion, & two criteria.
Searches can be made quite complex, yet detailed and precise. this is done by the operators:

  • < (less than)
  • > (more than)
  • = (equal to )
  • <= (less than or equal to )
  • >= (morethan than or equal to )
then it will be compared to  logical Conditions (AND, OR, NOT, LIKE) to refine the search.


as well as operators and logical conditions, there are two more search tools. These are called Wildcards ,  used to search through text fields. 
An asterisk (*) is used to represent a one or more character in a string of text, and a question mark (?) represent a single character.
For example:
  • Searching a student name it could be "White" or "Whyte" therefore we put it as "wh?te"
  • Searching for a transport , something that involves with ship (like warships, battleships,etc. ) so you out it as " *ship"

Review and revise
Difference between searching and sorting: Searching allows you to find data that meets specific criteria. Sorting allows you to organize that data, based upon the rules you choose 

How to "Database"

Part I: Introduction

Part II: Producing Labels

Part III:Creating a new record structure in a database

Part IV: Adding Validation

Part V: Running a query

Part VI: Creating a Report

Database Search Criteria

Some tips before you do your database...

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